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Exit tailwinds build, driven by secondary buyouts
Indeed, PE firms have already been active buyers of sponsor-backed assets. Last year saw global exit activity rise 23% by value and 16% by volume across all channels – but it was secondary volume in particular that drove activity. Overall, PE firms acquired 79 companies from other PE firms, with an aggregate value of US$167b – up from just US$73b the year prior.
GPs expect a more active environment for liquidity as we head into the new year: 57% of those surveyed expect exits to increase over the next six months, up from just 34% of GPs surveyed a year ago. For many of these companies, exit readiness activities – inclusive of presale diligence, engaging bankers to help manage the sale, and preparing management teams for the process – has already begun in earnest. In our survey, 53% of GPs report starting such initiatives six to 12 months ahead of the exit transaction, and another 27% report starting more than a year before the sale.