EY Blockchain Analyzer: Smart Contract & Token Review

Increase your team’s confidence in blockchain-enabled smart contracts and transactions with industry-standard code.

The Smart Contract & Token Review (SC&TR) solution allows users to customize tests and reports, identify vulnerabilities and mitigate risks in the token deployment process and the code underlying smart contracts.

Reduced risk

More information and insights help mitigate the operational and inherent risks of blockchain.


Identifies how tokens or smart contracts will behave, giving insights into functionality, security, compliance and design.


Greater confidence in the validity of smart contracts increases trust between counterparties in the blockchain ecosystem. 

Automated testing

The advanced technology underpinning SC&TR means the solution can conduct significantly more, and deeper, tests on smart contracts than any manual review process could ever achieve. 

Smart contract confirm spend tokens
Smart contract sample tokens

Sophisticated simulations

Our team can simulate sophisticated transactions as if they were performed on the Ethereum Mainnet. Our “what-if” scenarios can simulate multiple scenarios, including historical or future blocks and signing without the owner’s private key.

Market-leading regression testing

Our ability to run regression testing after receiving remediated codes from clients allows for exceptionally efficient delivery.

Smart contract resources screen
Smart contract engagement manager

Plug-and-play capabilities

We test smart contracts and tokens directly from the developer environment by connecting through our dedicated EY API.

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