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Culture and resistance to change
Management consultant, Peter Drucker, once said: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. In Is digital culture the key to unlocking finance transformation?, a study by EY and ACCA in Singapore, 94% of finance leaders surveyed said the lack of a strong digital culture is a significant threat to the value of the transformation strategy.
Well-planned employee communications can help overcome ingrained cultural barriers and preferences for the status quo. On the other hand, insufficient communication and training to prepare employees often results in a lack of knowledge and understanding, giving rise to negative sentiments toward the transformation.
To address this issue, organizations can deploy a change management and workforce transition team to work alongside each functional workstream. This will allow the organization to understand the voice of the customer and the employee journey as well as support co-creation efforts in designing the to-be operating model. A tailored communication plan for impacted stakeholders, delivered through purposeful and immersive communications, will help employees understand the future ways of working, resulting benefits and upcoming activities, greatly reducing the chance of misinformation and resistance.
Organizations also need active and visible sponsorship by leaders, who play a key role in emphasizing the importance of the change. A change network comprising change champions within the organization who help cascade key messages to employees, coupled with employees who serve as change agents to influence peers and gather feedback from them, is also powerful in shaping sentiments on the ground.