Photographic Portrait of Swee Thiam Teh
Companies need to address tax compliance issues proactively and strategically with business needs in mind.

Swee Thiam Teh

Partner, Tax Services, Ernst & Young Solutions LLP

Extensive corporate income tax compliance experience. Accredited Tax Advisor (Income Tax) with Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals Limited.

Swee Thiam provides corporate income tax compliance services to businesses in diverse sectors, such as aviation, hospitality and resources. He advises companies on tax issues relating to permanent establishments, withholding taxes, holding companies in Singapore, cross-border transactions as well as capital allowances.

He also helps businesses obtain tax rulings from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) and manage tax controversy with the IRAS.

Swee Thiam is an Accredited Tax Advisor (Income Tax) with Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals Limited and holds a Bachelor of Accountancy (Hons) from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

How Swee Thiam is building a better working world

“Staying compliant with the latest tax regulations today is particularly challenging as international tax developments constantly shape local policies amid greater scrutiny by authorities.

I work with companies to identify tax issues arising from diverse situations and address compliance gaps promptly. This helps them reduce tax compliance risks and costs as well as make timely, tax-efficient decisions.”

Contact Swee Thiam