An integrated approach to forensics — ranging from addressing perceived weaknesses to full organizational design — is crucial to help maintain stakeholder trust and protect organizational reputation.

Stacy Chai

Partner, Forensic & Integrity Services, Ernst & Young Advisory Pte. Ltd.

Focuses on fraud and forensic investigations across Asia. ISCA Financial Forensic Professional. Certified Internal Auditor, The Institute of Internal Auditors Singapore.

Stacy is Partner, Forensic & Integrity Services at Ernst & Young Advisory Pte. Ltd. in Singapore focusing on fraud and forensic investigations across Asia. She is experienced in accounting, financial audit, internal controls review and compliance — including fraud risk assessments and fraud investigations — and leads third-party reviews and independent forensic assessments at third parties on behalf of clients.

Her clients come from various sectors, including government, oil and gas, life sciences, manufacturing, food and beverage, retail, private equity, shipping, financial services, mining and metals, and entertainment.

She leads forensic investigations into fraudulent acts, non-compliance with Singapore Exchange listing rules, financial irregularities, conflicts of interest, breaches of fiduciary duties and corrupt practices. She also provides thought leadership through conferences and training sessions on corporate integrity, fraud and corruption.

Stacy is a Chartered Accountant of Singapore; an ISCA Financial Forensic Professional; and a Certified Internal Auditor, The Institute of Internal Auditors Singapore.

How Stacy is building a better working world

“An organization’s ability to maintain stakeholder trust is only as strong as its weakest link. Without effective governance and controls supported by a culture of protecting integrity, businesses are highly exposed to operational and compliance risks.

I help businesses to address this challenge through an integrated, organization-wide approach covering people, technologies, processes, tools and data insights. This helps them to plug any perceived gaps efficiently and sustain their long-term competitive advantage.”

Stacy’s latest thinking

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