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Roy M. Sibuea

Partner, Tax, Perserikatan Perdata Purwantono, Suherman, Surja Consult

A loving husband. Father of three. Aspires to build a better working world and shape the future with confidence.

Areas of focus

Roy is a seasoned Tax Partner at Perserikatan Perdata Purwantono, Suherman, Surja Consult with a comprehensive professional background spanning more than 24 years in taxation services. His proficiency encompasses a broad spectrum of transactional matters, including mergers and acquisitions, investment structuring for inbound and outbound transactions, corporate restructuring, and initial public offerings, among others. In addition, Roy accumulated experiences in various taxation service areas, ranging from business tax compliance and advisory to tax litigation assistance. 

Roy graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Universitas Indonesia. Roy's professional qualifications are as robust as his experience. He is a Chartered Accountant in Indonesia and a Registered Accountant with the Indonesian Ministry of Finance. Additionally, he holds a Chartered Accountant (CA) certificate, an Asean Charter of Professional Accountant (ACPA) certificate and a CPA Australia (CPA Aust) certificate.

How Roy is building a better working world

Roy is a Chartered Accountant in Indonesia, complemented by his ACPA and CPA Australia credentials. He has provided invaluable guidance to clients across various sectors, including infrastructure, mining, and telecommunications, on complex tax structures, mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructuring. His notable work includes securing tax holidays for leading companies and delivering strategic advice in high-profile transactions. A respected speaker and a member of professional tax and accounting associations, Roy's strategic acumen and leadership have established him as a distinguished figure in international tax engagements.

Roy’s latest thinking

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