High-quality audits help to drive accountability and promote trust in government organizations.

Eleanor Lee

EY Asean and Singapore Government & Public Sector Assurance Leader; Partner, Assurance, Ernst & Young LLP

Extensive audit experience in government and public, real estate and construction, technology, and manufacturing sectors.

Eleanor has in-depth experience in the audits of listed entities and multinationals in the government and public, real estate and construction, technology, and manufacturing sectors.

As EY Asean and Singapore Government & Public Sector Assurance Leader, she focuses on building capabilities and providing support for assurance services to government and public sector clients.

Eleanor is also Quality Enablement Leader at Ernst & Young LLP in Singapore where she focuses on instilling audit quality in assurance engagements.

Outside the EY organization, Eleanor serves as the audit committee chairperson of AWWA Limited, a nonprofit organization committed to empowering the disadvantaged. She is a board director of Singapore International Chamber of Commerce and an advisory member of the Bachelor of Accountancy program at the Singapore University of Social Sciences. In addition, she is a member of the Advisory Committee on Accounting Standards for Statutory Boards in Singapore.

Eleanor is a Fellow Chartered Accountant of Singapore.

How Eleanor is building a better working world

“High-quality audits also play a crucial role in supporting stakeholders’ decision-making. Through such audits, I help stakeholders gain a better understanding of financial information, internal controls and governance across organizations.

I am committed to leading with integrity and creating a positive impact through the value I bring to EY clients, my team members and the community. It is a privilege to play a part to build a better working world.”

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