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Barriers to private investments
Regulatory and policy uncertainty is an oft cited risk. Uncertainty raises project revenue risk, reducing project viability, investment, interest and innovation. Institutional investors may also face significant bureaucracy and onerous reporting and disclosure requirements, such as demonstrating that investments satisfy regulatory criteria.
Another reason is the lack of attractive incentives in some markets. Many green technologies have large up-front R&D costs and long, risky development periods. Further, payback is only realized in the long term. The potential for knowledge spillovers means that investors only earn a fraction of the total rate of return as benefits also accrue to other companies. These issues are exacerbated if the end market is small and fragmented, as investors are less confident of recouping large, risky up-front investments in R&D or new production capacity.
In some cases, the lack of robust market data also makes it challenging for investors to assess the expected risks and benefits of investment, and this can push up the cost and limit access to external finance. In other cases, private-public partnerships can fail to deliver due to ill-defined outcomes, insufficient private sector capacity and a lack of high-level skills and experience among both private and public players.