Almost all operating assets in the region are pressurized water type and Soviet-era design (Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reactor or VVER). Only three reactors in the CESA region are based on alternative technologies. In Romania, two units utilize Canadian CANDU 6 pressurized heavy-water reactors. The unit in Slovenia, jointly owned with Croatia, operates the US-designed PWR with the two-loop primary cooling system.123
The average age of the active nuclear plants in the CESA region is slightly above the global average — 35.0 vs. 32.2 years — with the oldest reactors located in Armenia and Slovenia.4 The older Generation II nuclear reactors are the most common type of nuclear power plant in operation. Their advanced versions (Generation III) with improved efficiency and more safety features are active in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Ukraine, and use the VVER-1000 design.
The 28th UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai in 2023 launched the Declaration to Triple Nuclear Energy from approximately 390GW in 2023 to almost 1,200GW by 2050. The CESA region is planning its own expansion. Countries with existing nuclear assets are exploring additions and are termed “first-in-a-while” markets, while “newcomers,” such as Türkiye, Poland, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan are planning to launch their first nuclear power plants (NPPs), both large-scale and small modular reactors (SMRs).