Press release
28 Mar 2024 

EY Romania assisted Hidroelectrica in the acquisition of UCM Resita’s selected business lines

Press contact

EY Romania assisted Hidroelectrica, the largest power producer in Romania, in the acquisition process of UCM Resita’s selected business lines. The transaction, structured as a business transfer, includes the ABC and Calnicel platforms, and adds to Hidroelectrica’s efforts to consolidate its internal maintenance and modernization capabilities.

The business transfer occurred through an SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) created by Hidroelectrica - UCMH (Uzina de Constructii Masini Hidroenergetice S.R.L).       

The transaction was signed on 8 December 2023 and the Closing took place on 11 March 2024.

EY’s multidisciplinary teams provided M&A advice, financial and tax support as well as valuation and business modelling services.

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