Press release
09 Jun 2023  | Monaco, FR

Doris Hsu from Taiwan named EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ 2023

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Doris Hsu, Chairperson and CEO of GlobalWafers Co., Ltd., was named the EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ 2023 at an award ceremony held in Monaco's Salle des Etoiles. Doris was selected from among nearly 5,000 program participants that included the 49 winners across 45 countries and jurisdictions competing for the global title. She is the third woman to hold the title and the first winner from Taiwan in the award's 23-year history.

Doris is a visionary business leader with an unwavering passion for innovation and commitment to sustainability. For more than a decade, she has been the driving force behind GlobalWafers’ meteoric rise, overseeing a series of successful M&As that transformed the company’s product portfolio and expanded operations into Europe. In 2015, Doris took GlobalWafers public with a highly successful IPO, and today it is the world’s third-largest wafer manufacturer. She has continuously created value and sustainable growth for shareholders while always staying true to her core values of putting people first while leading with honesty, integrity, enthusiasm and hard work.  

Carmine Di Sibio, EY Global Chairman and CEO, says:

"We are in a moment where purpose-driven entrepreneurs are leading the charge in taking on global challenges and this year’s World Entrepreneur Of The Year winner, Doris Hsu, is the complete embodiment of that. Doris’ vision and drive not only built an industry-leading company that has created thousands of jobs and helped generate significant local and global economic impact, but her passion for building a better working world is really what this event is all about. Congratulations to Doris on being named this year’s world winner.”

Doris Hsu, Chairperson and CEO of GlobalWafers, says:

"I am honored to receive this prestigious distinction as EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year. We as entrepreneurs often find ourselves on the front lines of addressing so many of today’s most pressing issues, from building towards a more sustainable future to ensuring social wellbeing in the areas of greatest need. I hope that I can continue the legacy of this great award by driving conversations about these challenges, helping to come up with big new ideas and bringing in new voices along the way. There is an underrepresentation of female leaders, especially in the high-tech [semiconductor] industry, and this shows that regardless of gender, anyone can succeed. I’m so proud of my amazing team at GlobalWafers and grateful to all those who have helped and inspired me throughout this journey.”

The EY organization hosts the annual World Entrepreneur of the Year event to celebrate the accomplishments of visionary leaders who are transforming industries, growing the economy and answering the call to address global challenges. The annual gathering brings together founders, CEOs and business leaders for a series of networking opportunities and workshops, culminating with the winning announcement.

The EY World Entrepreneur of the Year 2023 was chosen by an independent panel of judges against four criteria: entrepreneurial spirit, purpose, growth and impact. This year’s panel included a diverse and esteemed group of entrepreneurs from all over the world, chaired by Hernan Kazah, Co-founder and Managing Partner, Kaszek Ventures.

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EY exists to build a better working world, helping to create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets.

Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform and operate.

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This news release has been issued by EYGM Limited, a member of the global EY organization that also does not provide any services to clients.

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