Real estate law

We provide comprehensive legal services in relation to widely understood real estate, construction law and investment process.We monitor the real estate market in Poland and the related real estate law on an ongoing basis. We review regulatory changes and check current information from local and global markets. Analysis of the real estate market allows us to offer high-level real estate investment advice, tailored to the 

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Real estate law in practice. Good preparation at every stage of the investment. 

Conducting a real estate sale (disposal of real estate) or purchase (acquisition of real estate) transaction, as well as a transaction involving the disposal of shares in a company that owns real estate, is usually a major strategic decision, both for entities operating in the real estate market in Poland and for entities engaged in other core activities. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare very well for such transactions and, first of all, to know real estate law and carefully verify the legal status of the property. In this way it is possible to properly safeguard the interests of the seller or buyer. This will allow avoiding potential undesirable/negative consequences, such as the invalidity of the transaction, the liability of the buyer or, in the case of a lease (rental of property), a dispute with the landlord.

The EY Law Real Estate Team provides comprehensive legal services for transactions involving real estate. It prepares and negotiates contracts, provides support in the investment process, and performs due diligence of the real estate i.e. verification of its legal status. At every stage of the investment project, our clients have a trusted partner at their side who is an expert when it comes to real estate law.

Real estate law – areas of support

Due diligence of real estate - examination of the legal status of the property and the planned or implemented investment. In particular in terms of:
a) providing financing,
b) restructuring,
c) planned acquisition or disposal of real estate, shares in a company or enterprise.
Acquisition and disposal of real estate – we offer comprehensive legal advice, including on share deal and asset deal transactions.
Contracts – preparing and negotiating contracts, among others: land lease agreement, rental agreement (including rental of office, retail and warehouse space), contract for the sale of real estate and other contracts providing rights to real estate (real estate lease, real estate rental).
Services related to development projects - residential, office, warehouse, and retail.
Legal support in the implementation of an investment in RES, i.a. by providing comprehensive legal services in the field of the acquisition of a RES project and carrying out the investment process.
Study of investment conditions including planning aspects of the investment, in particular the provision of funding for the implementation of the investment project.
Real estate investment advice on administrative and legal issues related to the preparation and implementation of construction projects. Acquisition of formal and legal documentation and coordination of the entire process. Such support is made possible by a thorough analysis of the real estate market.
Legal services for construction projects, including preparing and negotiating contracts with designers and general contractors.
Real estate law and litigation, i.e. representing clients before common courts in all matters related to real estate, investment process, or construction works.

Why EY Law Poland?


Individual approach 

We accompany clients at every stage of project implementation, supporting them in achieving their goals. We always find the most effective and pragmatic solutions that minimize all risks at the same time.  


Area of support

We successfully handle even the most complex cases and advise on the effective use of state-of-the-art solutions related to transactions and investment processes. We advise Polish and foreign entities. 

Comprehensive solutions

We offer comprehensive solutions. This is possible thanks to close cooperation with other advisory teams in the field of environmental protection, corporate law and M&A, but also business and tax. We provide our customers with concrete and sustainable solutions.


Team of experts

Our team consists of attorneys and legal advisors who are distinguished by comprehensive experience and in-depth knowledge of business principles.

International and recognized brand

EY Law Team and its Leaders are regularly recognized in prestigious rankings: Chambers Global, Chambers Europe, Legal 500, IFLR 1000, WTR 1000, IAM Patent.

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Think globally, act locally

EY offers its services in 150 countries, and thanks to our extensive network of contacts and extensive exchange of experience, we create custom solutions.

EY Law Poland provides comprehensive legal services in relation to widely understood real estate, construction law and investment process. We monitor the real estate market in Poland and the related real estate law on an ongoing basis. We review regulatory changes and check current information from local and global markets.

Our strength is the highest quality advice. 

We are one of the most dynamically developing international legal practices in Poland.

We combine many years of experience of legal advisors and attorneys with knowledge of the business principles of our clients and the specifics of individual market sectors, including commercial real estate, residential, hotel and industrial real estate. Thanks to this, we increase the efficiency of their work, while reducing the costs of their business.

We offer comprehensive, cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary legal advice at every stage of project implementation. We provide practical solutions to help you achieve your goals as effectively as possible.

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