Today’s global tax environment is characterized by frequent legislative changes, controversies and uncertainties. Regular review of existing structures and arrangements is the need of the hour.

Chester Wee

EY Asean International Tax and Transaction Services Leader

Trusted business advisor with a focus on cross-border taxation. Passionate about tax and people development. Thinker. Lego collector. Orchid lover. Father of three little rascals.

Areas of focus

As EY Asean International Tax and Transaction Services Leader and a tax partner with Ernst & Young Solutions LLP, Chester has vast experience in advising on cross-border tax issues, helping to manage tax controversy as well as handling tax compliance and reporting — in both inbound and outbound investments.

Chester is experienced in tax structuring, permanent establishment risk management and tax controversy and dispute resolution.

He has deep knowledge in reviewing holding structures and operating models, managing tax residence issues, identifying and handling withholding tax issues and permanent establishment risks, advising on intellectual property (IP) strategies and migration, and tax-efficient repatriation of profits and cross-border financing.

A recipient of the Commissioner’s Book Prize, Chester completed the Advanced Tax Programme at the Tax Academy of Singapore. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Accountancy from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

How Chester is building a better working world

“In today’s dynamic tax environment, I work with clients to help manage their global tax risks as well as to develop sustainable structures and operating models. I actively contribute to professional growth and development by facilitating various international tax courses and programs organized by the Tax Academy of Singapore and the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants.”

Chester's latest thinking

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