Hamburg cargo terminal

Claiming preferential treatment in a post-Brexit trade environment

In this webcast, panelists discuss insights on risk and leading practices for claiming preferential treatment in a post-Brexit trade environment.

A robust origin management process is critical for the rapidly changing trade environment to enable businesses to improve and protect their duty savings. While free trade agreements (FTAs) can offer huge duty reductions, they can represent a huge risk if customs conduct an audit and disallow preference due to insufficient evidence. It is therefore essential to support the reduction of costs through the claiming of preferential treatment at imports. 

As e-commerce has grown in scale and importance in the digital economy, value-added tax (VAT) rules globally have had to adapt and change. But the new rules can leave businesses confused about their obligations and how best to comply. 

Alongside trade practitioners from the EY Global Trade and Customs teams, Bert Floryn, Policy Officer of DG TAXUD at the European Commission, will be joining the webcast to discuss insights on risk and leading practices for claiming preferential treatment in a post-Brexit trade environment.

Topics discussed in the webcast will include:

  • To elaborate on some specific issues companies are confronted with and how they can be resolved.

  • To have a closer look at the following challenges of distribution centers operating across the channel:
    • How do they need to deal with goods that go back and forth across the channel?

    • How do they need to manage the origin of shipments they receive from third countries which have their final destination in the UK and the EU (splitting of the initial consignments).

    • What role is there for ‘importer’s knowledge’ as proof of preferential origin?
  • To look at these topics from an EU and UK perspective and to get the policy perspective from Bert Floryn of DG TAXUD (European Commission).

During this live, interactive webcast, you will have the opportunity to take part in polls and ask questions to the panelists.


  • Franky De Pril, EY Europe West Trade Leader


  • Bert Floryn, Policy Officer of DG TAXUD at the European Commission
  • Craig Clark, Senior Manager Global Trade, United Kingdom

  • Jef D'Hollander, Manager Global Trade, Belgium

To learn more about the impact of global trade on your business, visit Global trade.


Sep 2022


CPE credits: 0.0

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