I am passionate about helping clients create long-term value by effectively navigating change.

Talitha Jordan

EY Asia-Pacific FSO Tax Transformation, Tax and Finance Operate Leader

Experienced in solving complex tax and finance operating model challenges. Enjoys navigating change. Workplace diversity and equality advocate. Ocean lover.

Talitha is an EY Oceania Tax Transformation partner leading the Asia-Pacific (APAC) Tax Transformation practice for financial services clients and is the APAC FSO Tax and Finance Operate Leader.

Talitha has direct experience in the development of operating models for global tax functions with close to 20 years of tax, finance, strategic transformation and risk management experience working within functions of global investment banks. Since joining the EY organization, Talitha has worked with clients across banking, insurance, and wealth and asset management sectors.

Talitha holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Law and Accounting and a Bachelor of Arts in Asian and Arts History. She is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia, a Chartered Tax Adviser (TIA) and a Certified Change Practitioner (Prosci).

How Talitha is building a better working world

Talitha works with clients to remove inefficiencies from their operating model, freeing up time and resources to provide valuable insights and embedding continuous improvement into the client’s culture. She is passionate about diversity, equity and inclusion, co-leading the Gender Network for EY NSW and mentoring young women in technology and transformation.

Our latest thinking

Transforming tax and finance functions

EY research shows banks, asset managers and insurance companies are reimagining their tax and finance functions. Read more.

16 Nov 2023 EY Global

Four factors driving tax transformation in banks

Across banking and capital markets, organizations are having to find ways to future-proof their tax and finance functions. Read more.

17 Jun 2022 John Thomopoulos
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