Silhouettes in sunset playing football at the beach

An introduction to EYs Human Rights Due Diligence in Norway

EY in Norway is committed to maintaining and promoting human rights in line with the Transparency Act. We believe that respect for human rights is fundamental to our purpose of "Building a Better Working World".

In the spring of 2023, EY in Norway has conducted a due diligence assessment in its own business, EY's global service centers and its supply chain in accordance with the requirements of the Transparency Act. Based on gap analysis and risk assessment, we have identified relevant human rights EY must pay special attention to. Respect for human rights is rooted in EY globally and with the management and board of EY in Norway.

In our own operations and for our service centers we have identified three areas where the risk of negative impact is largest: The right to fair and favorable working conditions (including rest; time off and reasonable limitation of working hours), the right to health (physical inactivity in the working day, mental health associated with high labor intensity and stress levels) and the right not to be subjected to discrimination and harassment. For EY’s global service centers we also include the freedom of assembly and association as important rights to follow up.

We already have good processes in place in all categories but has also identified measures for the coming year that will safeguard the rights of employees and stakeholders of EY in Norway and plans to follow-up of EY service centers.

Using a risk-based approach, we have identified eight companies within the supply chain posing medium or high risk of human rights violations due to industry, raw materials in the supply chain and available information on maturity in the work with human rights. In total, we found 13 rights relevant to our value chain from raw material to final product/service.

In the coming year, we will initiate a dialogue with the identified suppliers to learn more about their work with human rights and ensure documentation for the actions they have in place.

For more detailed information about EY in Norway’s due diligence on human rights and commitments you may read our full report (in Norwegian).

EY Human Rights Report 2023

Access to information requests

As per section 6 of the Transparency Act, any person has the right to information from an enterprise regarding how the enterprise addresses actual or potential adverse impacts in accordance with the Act. This includes both general information and information relating to a specific product or service offered by the enterprise.

Such requests to EY in Norway may be presented to Marita Hagerup Vogt.

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