Press release
21 Oct 2024 

EY launches EY Young Technology Professional Challenge 2024, in collaboration with SAP and PETRONAS

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Ernst & Young Consulting Sdn Bhd (EY), in collaboration with SAP and PETRONAS, announced the launch of the EY Young Technology Professional Challenge (EY YTPC) 2024.

Malaysian undergraduates, who are pursuing their third year of studies onwards and enrolled in local and foreign universities, were invited to participate in the challenge. The team-based competition, held for the third time, aims to inculcate awareness among Malaysian students on how to apply enterprise technology in a real business environment; cultivate a culture of innovation and growth in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) workforce; and build and support a network of young technologists, in line with Malaysia’s Digital Economy aspirations and EY’s purpose of Building a Better Working World

Ismed Bahatiar, Malaysia Markets and Oil Gas Leader, Ernst & Young Consulting Sdn Bhd highlighted, "The aim of the EY Young Technology Professional Challenge aligns closely with EY's purpose to Build a Better Working World for our next generation, who are poised to become the future professionals and leaders in business and technology. The competition serves as a catalyst for the students' professional journeys by uniting experts within the ecosystem to provide them with valuable enrichment.".

The team challenge comprising two to four members in each team will experience firsthand the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) – a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) and a visionary in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Robotics Process Automation. SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) brings together application development and automation, data and analytics, integration, and AI capabilities in one unified environment.

Participating teams will be assessed on their solutions which will be built on the SAP BTP and their presentations, from which the judges will look for evidence of creative and analytical strengths, practical skills, inclusive leadership behaviour and personality.

Participants will be provided guidance by EY, SAP and PETRONAS professionals during the course of the competition, from pitching their ideas to the development of the solution for the business challenge. Our young technologist’s ideas will be reviewed over a period of four weeks. Following that, the semi-final and final stages will take place in December.

Prizes for the EY Young Technology Professional Challenge 2024 includes prize money of up to RM 12,000 and internship opportunities or conditional offers of employment with EY member firms in Malaysia.

“SAP is proud to support the EY Young Technology Professional Challenge 2024, a remarkable initiative that brings together the best of collaboration and innovation. Alongside EY and PETRONAS, we are fostering the growth of future technology leaders and contributing to Malaysia’s advancement in the digital economy. By utilizing SAP Business Technology Platform, we are equipping young talents to develop innovative solutions for real-world challenges. SAP remains committed to empowering these future leaders with the tools and expertise to drive meaningful change,” said Vipin Chandran, SAP Malaysia Managing Director.

Nur Fadillah Bt Mior Sharifuddin, Head of Group Technical Capability Management, Project Delivery & Technology (PD&T), PETRONAS commented, “PETRONAS is proud to partner with EY for the EY Young Technology Professional Challenge 2024, empowering young Malaysian talent to drive digital innovation. This initiative is further strengthened by the participation of 14 universities under PETRONAS' Collaboration with Higher Education Strategic Initiatives (CHESS), which bridges academia and industry to develop future-ready leaders. By supporting this challenge, PETRONAS reaffirms its commitment to nurturing talents and advancing Malaysia’s digital future.”

For more information about EY YTPC, visit




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This news release has been issued by Ernst & Young Consulting Sdn Bhd, a member of the global EY organization.

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