Press release
26 Aug 2024 

Lam E Vaine of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman to represent Malaysia at the international finals of the EY Young Tax Professional of the Year 2024 competition

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Lam E Vaine (林玥颖) of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) was announced today as the winner of the EY Young Tax Professional of the Year (YTPY) 2024 Malaysia competition at an event graced by Puan Noraini Mustafa, Director of the Corporate Services Department, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (HASiL).

E Vaine, 22, who is pursuing her Bachelor of Accounting (Honours) in UTAR will represent Malaysia at the EY Young Tax Professional of the Year international finals, where she will compete against winners from other countries for the title of “EY Young Tax Professional of the Year 2025”.

As the winner of the EY YTPY 2024 Malaysia competition, E Vaine, also took home a cash prize of RM8,000 and secured a paid internship of no less than eight weeks or a conditional offer of employment in Tax Services with Ernst & Young Tax Consultants Sdn Bhd.

The first runner-up was Joshua Yap Jan Chen (叶展琛), 23, who is pursuing his Bachelor of Accounting (Honours) in UTAR. Joshua Yap received a cash prize of RM 6,000 and a paid internship of no less than eight weeks or a conditional offer of employment in Tax Services as well.

Ng Yew Sheng (黄友胜), 21, who is pursuing her Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology was named second runner-up. He received a cash prize of RM 3,000 and a paid internship or a conditional offer of employment with Ernst & Young Tax Consultants Sdn Bhd.

In her address, Puan Noraini Mustafa, Director of the Corporate Services Department, Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia (HASiL) said, “HASiL has supported the EY YTPY initiative for more than 10 years. This program has been instrumental in promoting tax knowledge, imparting insights and clarifying the reasoning behind tax policies to our younger generation. I trust that through this program, the participants have gained a profound understanding of the rewarding nature of a career in tax.

“The essential insights gained from this competition demonstrates the real-life complexities and hurdles in today's business and tax landscape. It is our hope that the undergraduates have found this experience to be a valuable complement to their academic pursuits, broadening their perspectives and honing their abilities, thus preparing them to effectively engage and collaborate on the international stage.”

Farah Rosley, Malaysia Tax Managing Partner, Ernst & Young Tax Consultants Sdn. Bhd. said, “EY's commitment to fostering the next generation of tax professionals and highlighting the importance of tax knowledge in the evolving business environment is exemplified by the YTPY competition we hold every year. Unlike typical academic programs, YTPY pushes students to apply their practical knowledge to international tax issues. It's an invaluable experience that will give them an edge in their future professional lives.

“Today's tax professionals play crucial roles as advisors, policy influencers and strategic decision-makers. At EY, we aim to help organizations plan for the future by integrating best practices into their tax and finance operations. Our knowledge enables us to effectively deliver strategies that support business growth and its sustainable development.”

Hisham Halim, Partner, Ernst & Young Tax Consultants Sdn Bhd and Program Director of EY Young Tax Professional of the Year Malaysia, shared,

“The EY Young Tax Professional of the Year competition is a launchpad for the next generation of tax leaders. It brings together top talent to tackle real-world tax challenges with creativity and precision, showcasing their potential to drive innovation in a rapidly evolving industry.

“Beyond technical skills, participants gain exposure to global tax trends and connect with a powerful network of peers and experts. This competition offers a unique opportunity to elevate their careers, forge lasting connections and shape the future of tax advisory. It’s a call to action for those ready to lead and make a lasting impact in the field.”

The EY Young Tax Professional of the Year (YTPY) 2024 Malaysia competition culminated in a two-day event, which saw presentations delivered by 18 semi-finalists, the announcement of seven finalists, a sharing session about career opportunities in Tax and a fireside chat with EY leaders. Earlier today, the semi-finalists took part in a meaningful tree-planting project at Taman Tugu Malaysia organized by EY Ripples in collaboration with the Free Tree Society Kuala Lumpur, a non-profit environmental civil society. EY Ripples is the EY organization’s corporate responsibility program designed to create long-term social value by having a positive impact on communities and the planet.

The event was a comprehensive environmental education experience. Apart from the tree-planting project, participants also attended planting workshops, contributed to nursery maintenance and management, and participated in enlightening talks on ecosystem and climate conservation. In addition, they explored innovative environmental solutions such as addressing water scarcity through rainwater harvesting, and promoting sustainability through composting and waste reduction.

The international EY YTPY 2024 competition will take place in January 2025. It will entail learning, team building and networking sessions. Judging will take place in February 2025 and the top three winners of the EY Young Tax Professional of the Year 2024 will be announced at an award ceremony in March 2025.

For more information about the EY Young Tax Professional of the Year program visit

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This news release has been issued by Ernst & Young Tax Consultants Sdn Bhd, a member of the global EY organization.


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