EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Malaysia


At EY, we believe that entrepreneurs are the moving force behind today’s economy. The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year award is an annual program that identifies and honors entrepreneurs who have made a difference and are an inspiration to others.

The nominee must be a Malaysian or Malaysian Permanent Resident (MyPR card holder) who is either:

  • An owner-manager primarily responsible for the recent performance of a privately-held company that has at least two years audited accounts; or
  • A founder of a listed company who is still active in top management and who still retains a significant stake in the company.
  • Emerging
    Nominees in this category should be aged 35 or under at the close of nomination or the business is between 3-5 years old.
  • Technology
    Entrepreneurs who are developers, providers and/ or promoters of technology, digital and multimedia products and services.
  • Woman
    This category recognizes and honours the accomplishments of outstanding women entrepreneurs in building and leading successful businesses.
  • Master
    Entrepreneurs who have made a sustained contribution to the success of one or more businesses over an extended period; business founded more than 5 years ago.

EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™

Through the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year™ program, we recognize the entrepreneurs who build a confident future for us all.

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