Choo Yan Tiee

Auto Count Sdn Bhd

Mr. Choo Yan Tiee, the Chief Executive Officer of Auto Count Sdn Bhd, founded the business with Mr. Choo Chin Ping in 1996, aspiring to become a leading accounting and business software provider that delivers reliable and quality software solutions to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across different industry verticals.

The company began as a small software development house creating accounting software. To date, there are more than 200,000 companies and 600,000 users from various industries relying on AutoCount software in their daily operations. AutoCount has been certified by ISO/IEC 27001:2013 which confirms its commitment to making good on customer promises from a business and security compliance standpoint.

When the Goods and Services Tax (GST) was introduced in Malaysia in 2015, Yan Tiee and his team took a proactive approach to study and understand the GST requirements and quickly upgraded its accounting software to ensure their users were not negatively impacted by the new legislation. Auto Count is one of the pioneer batches of software that obtained accreditation from the Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD).  

Yan Tiee is passionate about making accounting courses free and accessible to young talents to help pave a way for them to acquire new skills. To date, over 50,000 students from 80 public and private higher education institutions in Malaysia have undergone training with Auto Count.

The company seeks to increase its regional footprint by ramping up investment in developing local expertise, strategic dealerships and institutional relationships in each ASEAN market. 

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