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Ernst & Young PLT 2022 Transparency Report

At EY, we believe that how we advance audit quality, manage risk and maintain our independence as auditors should be transparent to our stakeholders.

High-quality audits are the start and end point in inspiring confidence and trust across the capital markets, facilitating economic growth, serving the public interest, and ultimately building a better working world. To that end, we value regular dialogue, and the Ernst & Young PLT Transparency Report is one of the ways in which we communicate with our stakeholders on what we are doing in each of these areas: our internal quality control system; how we instill professional values; how we perform our audits, review and consultation processes; our approach to audit quality performance; and our independence practices.

Download the Ernst & Young PLT 2022 Transparency Report here.


The Ernst & Young PLT 2022 Transparency Report covers the financial year ended 30 June 2022 and is prepared in accordance with the requirements set out by the Securities Commission Malaysia’s Audit Oversight Board and includes additional voluntary information about us and our practices.

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