Quality is the key to holding the Public Trust in us as Auditors. For me, Audit has always been beyond the checklist of the Audit files.

Sheroff Shaikh Shafi

EY Luxembourg Banking & Capital Markets Senior Manager, Securitization

Innovative and creative. Passionate to play part in making this a better working world. Curious and visionary. Believes in two-way communication. Problem solver.

Sheroff is Senior Manager at EY Luxembourg. He is currently serving multiple audit clients in the Banking and Capital Markets with specialization in Securitization structures having more than 10 years of experience in the profession.

Sheroff is a professional Chartered Accountant and is a member of ACCA and ICAP.  Before joining EY, he was Banking and Securitization Audit Manager and IFRS expert at another Big 4 Firm, while working in different countries and serving many financial sector clients for assurance and advisory engagements.

How Sheroff is building a better working world

With years of audit experience and holder of professional qualifications, Sheroff is passionate about sharing his knowledge and contributing to the development of accounting and financial reporting. Sheroff always believes in open and honest communication and serves his clients with utmost transparency and with a problem-solving approach.

Sheroff has been helping his clients and colleagues in the interpretation of complex accounting topics and judgmental areas.

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