Opportunities await insurers that focus on sustainability, customer requirements, operational efficiency, and the workforce of the future.

Andy Worth

Associate Partner, Insurance, Ernst & Young LLP

Insurance transformation professional. D&I advocate. Husband and father of two. Active in country pursuits and farming.

In his role as an associate partner in insurance at Ernst & Young LLP, Andy is responsible for helping insurance clients transform, including through strategic cost transformation and operating model improvement.

Andy has been at EY for 20 years. He began his career in the British Army, followed by a large insurer and holds an MBA from Henley Business School.

How Andy is building a better working world

Encouraging and actively promoting diversity and inclusion within the insurance industry is vital for long-term success. Andy helps in building a better working world by promoting positive and inclusive behaviours and building trust within financial services through his regular contributions at the EY organization and in the wider insurance community.

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