In a fast-changing world, finding the right knowledge partner is key to quality financial reporting.

Áine Hearty

Partner, EY Luxembourg IFRS and Capital markets leader Luxembourg

Trusted service provider. Team player. Problem solver.

Áine is currently the IFRS and Capital markets leader in Luxembourg. Drawing on 20 years of experience, she works closely with audit teams and clients to guide them through interpreting IFRS and preparing for capital market transactions.

She is also responsible for a portfolio of audit clients operating in diverse industries and reporting under Lux GAAP and IFRS.

She is a Luxembourg chartered accountant (réviseur d’entreprises agréé) and a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland.

How Áine is building a better working world

Complying with the IFRS and capital market reporting obligations across the globe is a priority for our clients. Reporting needs are increasing, they are complex, and they require an investment in both time and knowledge.

Our IFRS and capital markets practice works with clients to assist them through the ever-increasing complexities in a real-time manner.

Áine's latest thinking

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