Smart buildings

In sector:real-estate,-hospitality,-and-construction

Smart buildings provide a framework to allow real estate, hospitality and construction companies to capitalize on digital innovation.

What EY can do for you

Smart buildings allow owners and operators to better understand occupant needs and behaviors with the goal of enhancing well-being and productivity while simultaneously saving operational costs and increasing building efficiency. Smart buildings can also be viewed as a long-term strategy to better understand the relationship between the built environment and its occupants. At its essence, a smart building can be seen as a long-term solution to highly specialized needs supported by a strong degree of communication and data sharing. 

The implementation of a long-term intelligent building strategy will far outlive the useful life of any specific technology. A successful strategy is one of communication, not only between systems but in fact between systems and the people monitoring those systems and implementing the data collected for its highest and best purpose.

There are four pillars of EY’s Smart Buildings strategy:

  • Creating a better customer experience
  • Enhancing energy efficiency
  • Making operational improvements
  • Establishing a more sustainable environment

Following these criteria will help a business address issues relating to occupant satisfaction, drive operational efficiencies, enhance energy management of their properties, and address cybersecurity issues related to their buildings’ operating systems. Our Smart Buildings services include:

  • Cybersecurity Analysis
  • Robotic Process Automation
  • Blockchain