I’m passionate about supporting clients to implement energy transition strategies that align with their decarbonization and sustainability ambitions.

Ben Vanderwaal

EY Oceania Renewable Energy Leader

Energy leader. Sophisticated market forecaster. Embracing change.

Ben leads the EY Oceania Renewable Energy teams. He is experienced in modeling technical, economic, commercial, regulatory and policy impacts in energy.

Ben has extensive knowledge in the planning and operation of multi-area electricity supply systems and the commercial frameworks that deliver sustainable investment and value creation. His understanding of power systems, power quality, supply reliability, market operation trading and settlements, renewable energy technologies and energy storage systems has been built over almost 25 years in energy.

Before joining EY, Ben was Managing Director of a leading energy consultancy he helped to build over more than 15 years. He holds Bachelor’s degrees in Electronic Engineering and Information Technology from the Queensland University of Technology. Ben is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, an Affiliate Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, and an active committee member and coordinator of the EY global corporate membership of CIGRE.

How Ben is building a better working world

Ben focuses on collaborating with clients and his team to help the energy sector embrace the opportunities of rapid industry change. By 2020, his due diligence advice had already supported the development of more than a gigawatt of wind and solar generation projects in Australia.

His commitment to helping clients enhance operations has seen Ben lead workshops on the bridge between the physical delivery of energy and financial markets in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and India. 

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