The interconnections between the businesses where we bring different thoughts, insights and experiences to EY clients to support them in their transformation is a real differentiator.

Jeff Soar

EY Global Law Leader

EY Global Law Leader with over 25 years of experience. Rugby and cricket fan. Lives in the countryside with wife and son. Loves the great outdoors.

Jeff is the EY Global Law Leader with 3,500 legal professionals in more than 90 jurisdictions offering a multi-disciplinary approach to help legal functions better meet the strategic goals of the broader business.

Prior to this, Jeff was the Managing Partner for UK&I Tax & Law where his team helped clients navigate an increasingly complex and challenging world. He also has experience in leading the EY Global Insurance Tax team and UK Financial Services team. Earlier in his career, Jeff spent almost five years with a boutique law firm in London which specialized in advising the insurance industry.

Jeff grew up wanting to be a lawyer. He received a BSc (Hons) Accountancy and Law at the University of Southampton. After university, he attended law school where he passed his solicitors exams. He is a qualified accountant and has worked as both a tax lawyer and accountant.

How Jeff is building a better working world

“I work with clients from across the world, helping them to navigate an increasingly complex and challenging environment and define the future state of their legal function to better help the business meet strategic goals and succeed. This transformation is often driven from a need to meet new rules and regulations, and the legal teams are the part of the business which best understand those drivers of change..”

Jeff's latest thinking

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