In times of change, the greatest danger is to act with yesterday's logic.

Günther Hüttinger

EY Germany Head of Intelligent Automation; Partner, Tax, Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

Combining taxation and information technology for over 20 years. Passionate about helping people work safely, faster, and with more joy.

Günther is a partner at EY GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, specializing in designing, implementing, and introducing tax reporting and compliance processes. He is known for assisting decision-makers in implementing digital transformation strategies for global tax functions. His vast experience includes over 20 years of consulting in Germany, with over 13 years at a Big Four company.

Günther's expertise lies in developing tax data management strategies and utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, robotics, and other intelligent automation tools to optimize business processes. As the head of the global software applications development team (EY Tax Suite), he ensures that clients can manage tax risk, group reporting, and declarations with ease.

Along with his qualification as a tax consultant, Günther earned his degree in Business Administration from the universities of Passau and Toulouse. He also shares his knowledge as a lecturer at the University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, imparting his insights to young talents.

How Günther is building a better working world

“Through my exploration of emerging technologies and their potential applications, I am actively shaping the future of the finance and tax function, and simultaneously building a better working world. By leveraging the power of digitization, I aim to create an ecosystem where individuals can find fulfillment in their careers and drive meaningful impact through their work, leading to a more productive and prosperous society.”

Günther's latest thinking

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