Romolo Pacifico

Partner Security - Forensic & Integrity Services

Romolo is Partner with EY Forensic & Integrity Services department, with the role of Security Solutions leader

Before joining EY, Romolo was the founding partner and managing director of the company Ifi Advisory and its subsidiary Ifi Security, which merged into EY SpA in 2022.

Lawyer, qualified for the legal profession, from 2005 to 2012 he held managerial roles in a BIG 4, leading the anti-money laundering unit, implementing procedures and structuring projects related to legal due diligence, internal audit and corporate investigation in the banking sector with the aim of reconstructing suspicious activities, conflicts of interest, illegal transactions and other types of fraud.

Romolo served in the Guardia di Finanza, specializing in activities of analysis and support in the regulatory field of money laundering and of the terrorism funding sources, in particular in the context of the Islamic Banking System

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