Michael Barnes

EY Americas Wealth & Asset Management Consulting Partner

Passionate about producing better outcomes for clients in a constantly evolving regulatory landscape.

Michael is an Consulting Partner at Ernst & Young LLP within EY Americas Financial Services.

With over 15 years of experience assisting EY wealth and asset management clients, he performs strategic assessments related to US and global regulation. He also advises on the design and implementation of compliance programs. 

In addition, he served as a securities compliance examiner where he performed inspections of investment advisers, investment companies, variable insurance products, related broker/dealers and transfer agents.  He has overseen compliance programs as well as equity trade support and global regulatory reporting activities.

Michael earned a master’s degree in Business Administration from Drexel University and an undergraduate degree from Arizona State University. 

How Michael is building a better working world

Michael is committed to helping EY wealth and asset management clients operate effectively within a changing regulatory environment. Focused on strategic assessment related to regulation along with designing and implementing compliance programs, he strives to help wealth and asset managers adopt new operating models to help realize efficiencies and improve growth.

Michael’s latest thinking

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