Only by putting trusted, intelligent data at the center of everything they do, can organizations unlock real, long-term value.

Marco Vernocchi

EY Global Chief Data Officer

Data visionary. Passionate leader. Avid skier and lover of Italian wine.

By pioneering new ways to collect, curate and use data, Marco and his team are putting trusted, intelligent data at the heart of EY and multiplying the value we create for clients. Our data-driven insights support businesses in making smarter decisions, boosting revenue growth and competing more effectively.

Before joining EY, Marco held global and regional digital and analytics leadership positions. For almost three decades, he’s worked with technology and media giants and start-ups to help companies use data, analytics and artificial intelligence to reinvent how they operate, engage with customers and improve business performance.

Marco has an engineering and industrial management degree from Politecnico di Milano. He is a regular speaker at global conferences.

How Marco is building a better working world

Marco is leading EY’s transformation into a data-powered organization that, in turn, is helping clients navigate their own transformation into intelligent enterprises. “With the confidence of trusted, intelligent data at the heart of EY, our teams are solving more complex client problems and helping build a better working world.”

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