Techathon 5.0


Problem Statement 3: BPO/BPM

AI for workflow and efficiency enhancement in Indian BPOs

Scenario: Nisha an agent in a claims processing BPO located in India, handles a high volume of claim calls daily. Despite her best efforts, she often finds herself overwhelmed by the sheer number of calls and the complexity of grievances presented by clients. The current workflow involves manually scheduling follow-up calls, tediously entering data into multiple systems, and navigating through an outdated knowledge base to provide solutions to clients.

Student’s challenge: Design an AI powered solution that will help automatically schedule callbacks and follow-ups based on the priority and urgency of the claims. The solution should autonomously handle routine tasks, analyze client sentiment on call and ensure that agents have quick access to accurate and relevant information through a knowledge base. The solution should be a streamlined workflow that not only improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the claims processing but also enhances the overall client experience.

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  Problem Statement  2                                    Problem Statement 4