Janan Knust

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Class of 2024, Chile
Founder and CEO of KLog.co

Share the joy of Janan Knust’s winning moment at Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Chile.

Janan Knust is transforming the analog world of logistics through digital convenience.

Janan Knust’s journey from dishwasher to leading the digital logistics company KLog.co highlights the power of hard work and innovation. Born in Israel, Janan moved to Chile as a child. At 17, he went to Switzerland to pursue soccer, working as a dishwasher on the side. He later worked at hotels and resorts around the world, learning seven languages along the way. 

Upon his return to Chile, Janan was inspired by his father’s background in logistics to envision a company that would infuse technology into the traditionally analog industry. KLog.co is a digital freight forwarding platform offering end-to-end supply chain visibility, with an emphasis in Latin America. Acting as a broker, KLog.co unifies stakeholders in supply chain and transportation businesses. Its platform allows users to quote, book and manage their land, air and sea freight services; track their operations in real time; view documentation; and even measure shipment performance — all within a few clicks.

The early years tested Janan’s resilience and resolve, but they shaped the company’s identity as a bootstrapped enterprise with explosive growth and the energy of a startup. These core values are encapsulated in its AFIRE culture: A for Alegría (Joy), F for Foco (Focus), I for Incomodidad (Discomfort), R for Resiliencia (Resilience), and E for Estudio (Study).

Janan lives his life by the motto “the one that gives always has,” which is also ingrained in KLog.co’s philosophy. Everything starts by giving. The company’s commitment to charity and solidarity initiatives is a crucial part of its strategy.

Every step of the entrepreneurship process is valuable — learn from each experience and live it fully and passionately.