Vjekoslav Majetić

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Class of 2023, Croatia
Founder and CEO of DOK-ING

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Vjekoslav Majetić’s robots are taking risks so humans don’t have to.  

Vjekoslav Majetić founded DOK-ING with the motto “Don’t send a man to do a machine’s job,” and he means every word. After being involved in mine clearance activities following the war in Croatia, he designed a remotely controlled system that allows the operator to remove mines from a safe distance.   

DOK-ING began as a business in a home garage and is now an internationally acknowledged leader in the design, production and application of innovative robotic solutions for hazardous environments. The company employs 250 people, and it has sold more than 500 systems to 40 countries worldwide in the security and defense segment, mostly for humanitarian mine removal projects.   

Reliable field results and client needs have led to the improvement and development of products in military engineering, emergency response and underground mining, including mining and firefighting robots. Vjekoslav advises his young engineers to “watch carefully what is still missing in the world that can improve and facilitate people’s lives,” and he follows that advice himself, recently launching a waste disposal facility that converts non-recyclable waste into clean energy.   

Vjekoslav and his company have been recognized for changing the industrial landscape with their innovative approach and have won many domestic and international awards in innovation and technology.

We have only one life and one chance on this planet, so I think every one of us must give our best to save it and make it better for us and generations to come.