Mark Bajada

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Class of 2022, Malta
Mark Bajada, Managing Director of Bajada Investments

Mark Bajada is powering a sustainable future for Malta.

As Managing Director of Bajada Investments, Mark Bajada has let his passion for technology and innovation lead him to pioneer many significant developments, especially in the clean energy space. He produced the first solar panels in Malta in the 1990s, before the alternative source of energy was popular. Since then, he has developed the first solar farm and the first solar road

Being an agent of change in the energy industry gives his company a natural competitive advantage, but he holds a deeper purpose: to solve the planet’s most pressing problems, specifically climate change and caring for an aging population. He began as a solar energy equipment supplier, and today, Bajada is known as a leader in Malta’s renewable energy sector with a focus on both innovation and service. His commitment to quality now extends to his latest ventures in technology, engineering, hospitality and elder care, including his program to open new dementia day care centers. Mark’s ambition is to create products and services that prioritize the environment and humanity.

With 30 years of experience, Mark now inspires the next generation of innovators through mentorship and sharing his business insights. He is working with the local government to support young entrepreneurs in this way. In 2010, he became an active member of the Young Presidents Organization, a global leadership community of extraordinary chief executives. This year, Mark will be an investor and judge in the first edition of Shark Tank Malta.

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