How platforms and ecosystems relate to the future of banking

In this episode of the NextWave Banking in Asia-Pacific podcast series, the speakers examine the role of platforms and curating ecosystems in creating opportunities for players within the banking industry.

Staying afloat in today’s fast-moving, transformative business environment means using technology to enable increased agility. It’s not enough to adapt to what’s happening now – the key is to be prepared to adapt to what comes next and beyond.

Listen to an insightful conversation with host Andrew Gilder, EY Asia-Pacific Banking & Capital Markets Sector Leader; and guest speakers Aman Narain, HSBC's Global Head of Platforms and Saurabh Dhingra, EY-Parthenon ASEAN Financial Services Strategy Leader.

Key takeaways: 

  • The role of platforms and curating ecosystems in creating opportunities for players within the banking industry
  • The impact of data and cloud strategy in tilting the competitive playing field
  • What banks can learn from the tech sector and how this ultimately enhance the customer experience

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available.


Episode 2


0h 26m 49s