Understanding, adapting, and solving - that's how we lead our clients through business challenges.

Antti Meriluoto

Partner, Consulting, EY Finland

Experienced and pragmatic solver of business challenges.

Antti leads the Supply Chain and Operations Consulting for EY in Finland.

Antti is responsible for holistically developing our clients' supply chain and operational strategies, as well as their operating models, processes, and capabilities.

Antti has a long experience in solving business challenges in various industries, both as a consultant and as a line manager.

Antti holds a Master's degree in Commerce from the Helsinki School of Economics (currently Aalto University).

How Antti is building a better working world

“I help our clients in solving their biggest business challenges in an ever-changing operational environment with a practical and involving approach. I want to understand our clients' challenges thoroughly so that I can find the best solutions and EY experts to support our clients in solving these challenges.”

Antti's latest thinking

How industry leaders are cracking the transformation code

Explore how effective business transformation helps enterprises overcome challenges and harness tech opportunities to maintain global competitiveness.

22 May 2024 Riku Piipari +3
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