It’s critical to elevate discussions about stakeholder capitalism from a public relations talking point to a meaningful priority for which companies are held accountable.

Curtis A McLaughlin

Partner, Financial Accounting Advisory Services, Ernst & Young LLP

Loving dad of twin boys. Mentor. Innovator. Ardent accountant. Champion of D&I.

Curtis is a Partner in the EY Financial Accounting Advisory Services (FAAS) practice based in Los Angeles. Curtis has over 13 years of experience in the financial services industry serving primarily asset management and banking and capital markets clients in the areas of assurance and advisory.

He is part of the EY leadership team for accounting change, focusing on revenue recognition and Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL). Additionally, he is the FSO FAAS lead for EY’s Long Term Value (LTV) campaign for reporting on non-financial metrics that drive LTV for a company’s stakeholders.

Over his career, he has advised numerous financial services companies on the implementation of new accounting standards, the development of accounting policies and various transactions including asset acquisitions and business combinations.

Curtis received both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Bentley University and is a certified public accountant in the state of California.

How Curtis is building a better working world

“Whether I’m working with EY teams to develop new digital tools, innovate delivery models to better serve our clients or mentor the next generation of transformative leaders, I believe positive change only happens when we commit to making it happen.

People always have to come first, and we can all contribute to building a better working world by giving our people an exceptional work experience.”

Curtis's latest thinking

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