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Extensive guidance regarding the outsourcing process
The handbook provides more extensive guidance regarding the outsourcing process. This handbook sets out what elements should be taken into account when selecting a service provider and implementing the outsourcing process. The most important concerns relate to the assessment of the risks of the outsourcing arrangements, the selection of the service provider, the outsourcing agreement and exit strategies.
The service provider requirements to observe are set out more extensively in the handbook compared to the previous circular. The entity must ensure that the service provider has all the required qualities to perform the outsourced critical or important function. Among other things, it must take into account professional reliability, appropriate and sufficient skills and necessary expertise.
With regard to the outsourcing agreement, the handbook contains an extension of the previous circular, consisting of a detailed list of mandatory elements in the agreement for critical or important functions. Some notable elements are the unrestricted right of an entity to inspect and audit the service provider, the method of information exchange and reporting obligations, and the obligation for the service provider to cooperate with FSMA and respond directly to its queries on the outsourced functions. When critical or important functions are outsourced, the FSMA should be informed in advance of how the handbook’s principles will be applied.
More extensive risk management on outsourcing required
As part of its risk management, the entity should identify, assess, monitor and manage all risks arising from outsourcing functions. The FSMA stipulates aspects to be taken into account at different stages of the outsourcing process, being (i) the decision to outsource and (ii) during outsourcing. Entities should identify risks and take measures that particularly relate to outsourcing, which include ,for instance, data confidentiality, business continuity, and cyber security risks. Depending on the size of the entity involved, this may result into the requirement to set up a separate risk assessment on outsourcing or at least an update of the risk management policy or risk assessment in place.
Guidance on intragroup outsourcing
The FSMA explicitly states that the same outsourcing conditions apply to outsourcing functions between entities of the same group. Besides, the outsourcing needs to be justified by objective reasons (meaning that the other group entity has the experience and capacity to perform the outsourced function). The operational management of the outsourcing can be centralized in one entity.
Other aspects covered by the handbook are often already applied in practice due to legal requirements and supplementary regulatory guidelines (e.g.: conflicts of interest, BCP, internal audit, etc.). In addition, the handbook also does not affect (and certainly does not diminish) the specific legal requirements related to the outsourcing of licensed activities of portfolio management and investment advice company and management companies.
Entities have until 30 June 2024 to implement this handbook and its sound management principles and should start to assess to what extent their current outsourcing framework may have to be updated to be compliant with the new rules.