Tom Groom

EY Global Client Service Partner

Corporate finance professional. Enjoys running. Father of three wonderful children.

As an EY Global Client Service Partner, Tom helps originate and deliver a wide range of consulting projects. Focused on corporate finance, he has experience in helping carry out financial due diligence, internal restructurings as well as reorganizations, separations and integrations.

Having joined EY in 2004 as an analyst, Tom has had the opportunity to work with a variety of transaction participants including private, public and mutual institutions; private equity investors; credit funds; debt providers; regulators and governments.

A Chartered Accountant, he earned his BSc in Economics and Econometrics from the University of Nottingham. 

How Tom is building a better working world 

“I help EY clients better align their footprint and operations to their strategies, which in turn helps them improve delivery on their strategic promises to their shareholders, customers, employees and regulators. This, I believe, helps me contribute to the EY vision of building a better working world.”

Tom’s latest thinking

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