
Ovidiu Sandor, CEO, Mulberry Development SRL

When Ovidiu Sandor inherited the family textile business, he immediately saw the potential of the location and believed the land could be used more effectively. Rather than continue the family business, he set to work developing an award-winning 43,000m2. It was the first project of many and the start of his journey to become one of Romania’s most influential real estate developers.

The office development had a big impact on Timisoara, greatly contributing to the business infrastructure of the city and attracting new companies and investment. Lauded as the beginning of Timisoara’s urban regeneration, it earned international recognition for its architecture and energy efficiency, winning the Green Building Project of the Year in 2009.

This success led to another office development in Cluj-Napoca that has since become the Silicon Valley of Romania. Ovidiu now leads the trend for multifaceted real estate projects and has embarked on ISHO, comprising smart offices, 1,200 highly desirable apartments, a world-class hotel, more than 7,500mof parks and green areas, and cultural and sports amenities.

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