
Igor Rybakov, Co-founder, Co-owner, President and Managing Partner; and Sergey Kolesnikov, Co-founder and Co-owner, TECHNONICOL Corporation

As students, Sergey Kolesnikov and Igor Rybakov spent their summers trying to make a little extra money by fixing rooftops around Moscow. They noticed a shortage of quality roofing materials — a problem they were determined to fix. In 1992, while still in college, they founded TECHNONICOL with the aim of providing well-made construction products to an industry in need.

Today, TECHNONICOL is the country’s largest roofing-supply company. It has expanded to 53 plants in 7 countries, supplying a portfolio of more than 3,500 products. Over 500 million people currently work or live in houses built with TECHNONICOL materials.

The duo has invested in six R&D centers to make sure they are continually innovating. Recently, TECHNONICOL became a partner in the first Russian project of its kind: creating a house using a portable 3D printer. They have also developed an award-winning, affordable house that consumes half the energy of most standard homes.

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