When will society be ready to harness AI’s potential?

Like the elevator or electricity, AI is a technology that expands what is possible for humans to do – better decision making, higher productivity, and improved resource efficiency. AI has the potential to spread very rapidly – but it’s not yet clear how it will be slowed by resistance, backlash and regulation.

Executives must think about AI as a deep portion of any product or process that requires data processing, perception, classification or actuation – today. Because, as with previous innovations, the opportunities for productivity will propel economic growth and society will adapt to it sooner or later.

In this episode of The Better Question podcast, EYQ Fellow Chris Meyer is joined by Stefan Heck, CEO of Nauto, and Eduardo Porter, economics writer for the New York Times.

Related topics Innovation AI

The two guests discuss the potential of AI to increase productivity, and how society can prepare to harness the incredible potential of AI, to help leaders prepare their organizations for incorporating and harnessing this wide-ranging technology into their products and processes.

Learning outcomes

  • AI will be pervasive – whatever your organization makes, or your processes are, AI will be a part of them
  • Today, AI tends to replicate the biases of the past, because that is the data that trained it. To ensure that populations aren’t homogenized, that needs to change
  • The development of AI will likely slow down if societal and institutional constraints are not addressed, but political and social systems aren’t set up to deploy technology efficiently 
  • The areas that will be affected first by AI are healthcare, Government services, marketing, transportation, energy and resource extraction

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available. Read the transcript


Christopher Meyer image
Christopher Meyer
Author. Innovator. Consultant. Entrepreneur.


Episode 09

Duration 27m 06s

In this series

Series overview
(Event List - Manual)

When the human body is the biggest data platform, who will capture value?

In this episode of The Better Question podcast, host Juliette Foster and her guests discuss the opportunities stemming from the transformation of the life sciences sector, driven by data and digital.

Episode 05

19m 11s


Pamela Spence

EY Global Health Sciences and Wellness Industry Leader and Life Sciences Industry Leader