Photographic portrait of Edward Ho
When providing assurance services in a complex landscape, remaining committed to high quality is critical for building trust and confidence in our working world.

Edward Ho

EY Asia-Pacific Assurance Leader

Champion of high quality work executed by high performing teams. Advocate of diversity and inclusiveness.

Areas of focus Growth Innovation Audit
Office Beijing

Edward manages the Assurance service line in the EY Asia-Pacific Area. Over a more than 30-year career, Edward has worked alongside a wide variety of clients, including financial institutions, securities and commodities companies, manufacturing, retail and distribution and multimedia.

His extensive experience includes providing general business advisory and due diligence review services to multinational and listed clients in Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas on matters related to M&A, internal control improvement and financial management. He has also assisted many Chinese companies in raising capital overseas.

Edward has a BSS in Social Sciences from the University of Hong Kong and a post-graduate Diploma in Financial Management from the University of New England (AU).

How Edward is building a better working world

Edward is committed to helping capital flow smoothly and confidently to help create growth in business and society. Through his work, he has gained a strong appreciation for the confidence high-quality assurance can provide to investors, the benefits that assurance can generate for the public interest, and the dire consequences when quality is lacking.

Contact Edward