Angelo Wang has led several due diligence projects for insurance mergers and acquisitions in Taiwan and overseas during the past decade.
He has a solid knowledge of insurance IFRS. Recently he has been advising some insurance companies in Taiwan on IFRS17 design and implementation.
Angelo graduated from Nanyang Technology University in Singapore, specializing in Actuarial Science. He qualified as a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, the UK in 2008.
Prior to his relocation in Taiwan, he worked in Singapore, London, and Beijing for over 15 years as a consulting actuary.
How Angelo is building a better working world
As a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK, Angelo is the founding Chairman of the China IFoA technical committee.
As part of his professional volunteer work, he serves as an adjunct lecturer at National Chengchi University and Soochow University.