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EY Talks | EP 03

EP 03
The impact of changes in business transactions
on financial report

Business transactions are constantly evolving at a rapids pace. Companies often face challenges in understanding certain transaction items or lack sufficient resources with professional expertise, which could lead to errors or delays in preparation of financial reports. Therefore, having experts who can guide and analyse the potential impact of accounting changes will enable companies to ensure accurate financial reporting.

In this video, our partners from the Financial Accounting Advisory Services, Pinpaka Akaranuphong and Piyarat Vudjakorn, introduce EY's financial accounting advisory services, which encompass various areas such as accounting reporting and capital markets as well as assisting in implementation of technology to financial reporting. Companies seeking high-quality accounting advisors with extensive technical expertise, coupled with innovative accounting technology, should not miss out on this video presentation.

Discover more about Financial Accounting Advisory Services

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