Lim Wai Mun

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ Class of 2023, Singapore
Founder and CEO of Doctor Anywhere

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Lim Wai Mun is digitizing healthcare accessibility, truly making doctors available anytime, anywhere.

When Lim Wai Mun delivered meals to elderly residents in housing estates in 2016, he saw they lacked access to basic healthcare — a troubling shortfall that he was inspired to rectify, drawing on his entrepreneurial spirit. That was the genesis of Doctor Anywhere, the technology-enabled regional healthcare company he founded in 2017. The company provides a holistic range of health offerings to support users throughout their care continuum.

As CEO, Lim Wai Mun has a vision to provide simple, accessible and efficient healthcare for everyone. His experience in private equity and nearly a decade in Temasek Holdings, where he helped conceptualize and establish Singapore-based liquefied natural gas company Pavilion Energy, enabled him to propel Doctor Anywhere’s growth from a young startup to a regional health player, with 2.5 million users across six countries today. 

Doctor Anywhere’s mobile app enables users to manage their health easily and effectively. In addition to online consultations, Doctor Anywhere’s omnichannel approach includes a network of physical clinics and pharmacies, home-based health screenings and vaccinations, and an in-app marketplace for health and wellness products and services.

Wai Mun continues to be active in the local startup community, guiding budding entrepreneurs and setting his sights on transforming Southeast Asia’s healthcare future.

Great ideas and innovation can come from the unlikeliest places and people.