The best way to optimize financial management and liquidity is to organize and improve from within. Know and properly use the resources and information available in companies.

José Carlos Cuevas

Partner, Turnaround and Restructuring, Ernst & Young, S.L.

Economist specialized in liquidity management, insolvency management and improvement of operational financial management. Passionate about fencing.

José Carlos has more than 25 years of multinational experience in various management positions linked to a number of restructuring, bankruptcy and pre-bankrupcty tasks. He has and continues to be part of the insolvency administration teams in some of the largest insolvency proceedings that have taken place  

He has extensive knowledge of  cash management, turnaround and distress matters including: analysis of treasury performance; risk management; cash flow forecasting; calculation of cash requirements; among many others.

José is a graduate in Economics from CEU San Pablo University and Complutense University. Currently, he is vice president of the Spanish Association of Corporate Financiers (ASSET) and member of the Board of Directors of the European Association of Corporate Treasurers (EACT) and the International Association (IGTA). He is also part of the European Money Markets Institute (EMMI) as a member of its Supervisory Committee.

How José is building a better working world

"Based on my cross function and sector experience, I help organizations to be able to meet their liquidity needs. I work with organizations to improve their financial and operational activities, in order to guarantee their financial health in the short and long term, with the ultimate goal of helping to build a better working world."

José's latest thinking

How Abengoa Group impacted the Spanish economy

How EY teams helped a Spanish construction company navigate business insolvency by finding a buyer to retain its vital economic presence.

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