Dan Saunders

EY Channel Islands Managing Partner, Financial Services

Leads audits and services to Jersey, Guernsey and international clients. Passionate about helping people achieve their potential. Enjoys traveling. Husband and father of two.

Dan has more than 20 years’ industry experience, specifically in serving the real estate, hospitality and construction sectors. He is experienced in leading cross-border teams, and has supported his clients in raising debt and equity in capital market transactions. He has led the audits of some of the largest FTSE350 real estate EY clients and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) listed on The International Stock Exchange (TISE).

Dan relocated to Jersey from London office of Ernst & Young LLP, where he was the EY UK&I Assurance Market Segment Leader for Real Estate, Hospitality and Construction.

He has an extensive international network having worked across borders throughout his career and spending three years in Australia where he worked with clients listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

Dan has a degree in Economics from Royal Holloway, University of London.

How Dan is building a better working world

Dan is passionate about supporting others’ progression within the organization and has mentored numerous people through key career milestones, including partners of the EY member firms to help them fulfil their potential. He works with and coaches diverse teams and sees the benefits this brings every day to his clients and workplace. He works with clients to provide insights that address their challenges.

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