Darja Virjent

EY Slovenia, Manager, Climate Change and Sustainability Services

I am passionate about sustainable business development and creating value for customers by following society's needs.

Darja Virjent began her professional career in sustainability in 2016 when she started building her competencies within the largest Slovenian utility company. She continued to expand her expertise as an independent consultant for implementation of sustainable practices. During this time, she worked with organizations of various sizes and from various economic sectors.

In 2022, Darja assumed a leadership role in the Climate Change and Sustainability Services (CCaSS) department at EY Slovenia. EY is globally recognized as a leading provider of audit and advisory services in the field of sustainability. Darja passionately and intensively follows her mission to promote sustainable practices in corporations and organizations. Her extensive experience includes collaboration with financial and non-financial institutions, as well as companies of various sizes and industries. As the head of the climate change and sustainability services team at EY Slovenia, Darja provides strategic advice to clients on key topics such as the implementation of the CSRD directive and ESRS standards, ensuring compliance in terms of non-financial reporting, and advising on various ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) related areas.

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